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Vancouver, BC, November 16, 2020
The [ADVENTure] 2020 Advent Calendar is here and features a Herrnhut Star story that is worth a read!
We are excited to announce that our friend Christine has created a very unique advent calendar that features a page with a story about our Herrnhut Stars (Moravian Stars)! She wrote a blog post about it that we would like to share with you, enjoy the read!
The Christmas season this year will sadly look so much different from previous years - no local Vancouver Christmas Market and even in Germany, where Christmas Markets exists in every small town, some provinces like Nordrhein-Westfalen decided to offers a virtual Christmas Market only in times of Corona.
Fortunately, the traditional Advent Calendar isn’t in jeopardy to become a virtual reality like so much else! Which one do you personally like best? Mine changed from chocolate as a child to teabags and readings as an adult. A very popular Advent Calendar in Germany since 1997 is “Der Andere Advent”, loosely translated as “A new Advent”. You daily flip a page to read about the mystery of the season, presented in different genres - from poem, personal story, a reflection, a cartoon, an invitation to meditate, pray or create art. This Calendar is sold with over 20,000 copies worldwide to a German speaking audience only and it is good news that as of this season, there is also an English version! The first edition in 2020 was created by myself, Christine Fuchs Spreter. I am German and have been calling Vancouver my home since 2006.
I would like to invite readers to become fellow travellers on this [ADVENTure], to meet and read from past and present writers, gathered from around the world. It is a beautiful and powerful resource in this season of 2020, where we need to come together to give each other hope, to take each other accountable for creating peace, to encourage one another to love unconditionally, and to celebrate with joy to conquer fear.
My Invitation:
First, purchase this calendar with the link below. Then, from Nov. 29, the first Sunday of Advent, to Jan. 6th, the beginning of Epiphany, create your own personal, daily ritual to engage in this Advent journey. Save some time when you can to make yourself comfortable somewhere to read the daily reflection. Ponder what you’ve read. Maybe write down, journal or doodle about what’s emerging for you. Or have a conversation, perhaps with a friend who is also “walking” through Advent with this calendar.
With your order, you enter a draw to win an original Herrnhut Star!
Enjoy the read - there can never be enough ADVENTures with our Herrnhut Stars!
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