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Vancouver, B.C., November 22, 2019
Christmas without stress - is this even possible? We have 5 tips for you to make it happen this year.
The hunt for gifts is already in full swing, the search for the perfect Christmas tree has begun. The end of the year is approaching, it's winter, it's getting dark early, you're looking forward to the days off. And everything could actually go a bit slower than usual. But mostly the opposite is true: Christmas time means stress.
Because we "must" buy suitable gifts and decorative packaging for all friends and relatives, send Christmas cards, decorate the house for Christmas, bake or buy at least ten different sorts of cookies, gingerbread join lots of Christmas parties, get a just grown and not too bushy Christmas tree and set up, buy the Christmas roast and prepare at least five side dishes, sing traditional Christmas carols, look forward to gifts ... and then we are happy when everything is over.
Stop! Christmas also goes without stress. Here are 5 ideas for more minimalism at Christmas.
1. Give away homemade
To all, who do not feel like expensive, stressful shopping tours: Christmas is also without consumerism. The people you really want to give something to - and if you're honest, that's not so many - do you make fun with homemade trifles. This is personal and at the same time sends a signal against unnecessary consumption.Tip: The least stress you have when you produce your Christmas gifts in a row and give the same to several people - for example, with gifts from the kitchen such as jam, spreads or cookies, but also with self-made jewelry or toiletries like scrubs or lip balm.
2. Less stress: Break out of the gift cycle
We are pressured by the belief that other people expect gifts. But it can be just as uncomfortable if you give something, even though you do not expect it. Make sure you only get what you really want at Christmas by saying clearly what you want. To avoid giving you any unnecessary stuff at Christmas (and having to be grateful for that as well). Explain explicitly to your friends and relatives that you do not want gifts and why - or specifically tell them what you want. This also means less stress for the donors. This tip also applies the other way around: find out from the people you want to give something for Christmas if there's something they really need or want. To avoid gifts that start to collect dust just after the holidays. Alternative: Give away things that are consumed instead of accumulating, such as homemade food or cosmetics or tickets for events (see above).
3. Give time for Christmas
Even more minimalist than self-made gifts - and often, even more, personal - is to give away shared experiences. Because time is the most valuable thing we have for most of us. Invite to a self-cooked meal, organize a trip or other joint activity, such as a hike, a sauna evening or a concert of your choice. None of this can get dusty on the shelf.
4. No stress in the kitchen: cook and bake together
Say goodbye to the ambition to have the perfect feast or the perfect cookie for the whole family. You do not have to stand alone for hours in the kitchen. Cook together with your friends, family or guests this year. So, no one has to be solely responsible for the menu (and whether it tastes good or not), cooking together can be really fun, and then everyone has the feeling that they have earned the food right.5. Minimalistic Christmas decoration: less is more
Deco may be pretty and atmospheric but is absolutely no need. And even if you like to decorate Christmas: The purchase of cheap jewelry items, as they are in discounters and Dekoläden, you can save confidently.
More beautiful, healthier and more minimalistic are things they last and will be able to create a tradition in your family like putting together Herrnhut Star with family and friends. Homemade Christmas decorations made of natural materials and recycled materials are more and more welcome these days.
The most important thing with all this: Slow down at Christmas time. The Christmas time should also serve the rest and relaxation - to stress on the holidays, does not make sense.
With this in mind: a relaxing pre-Christmas time
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